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    Break Through Self Limiting Beliefs

    Chose an area of your life you want to impact and get ready to roll up your sleeves. This in person coaching program includes 8 weekly hour long sessions via phone where you'll work to uncover what self limiting beliefs are in the way of what you want in your chosen area as well as how to overcome them. You'll then work on creating or discovering the thoughts and beliefs you WANT driving your life in your chosen area instead. By the end of the class you will permanently change who you know yourself to be or request a refund, no questions asked.


    With this course you get an additional free bonus session so you can ask any questions before you get started and schedule your 8 paid classes. Classes do NOT have to be at the same time/day per week and can be flexible from week to week if needed. When you sign up you will be scheduling your free bonus session call only. 

    A Young Woman Sitting on a Balcony

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    About Mastering Life Institute

    Brain Based Life Coaching

    You know how it is. You get a new computer, install some applications, do a lot of work. Before long your computer is running slow or acting buggy. Every once in a while it requires some maintenance to keep it purring.

    As it happens brains need maintenance too. All humans have brains with conflicting thoughts and beliefs having you self sabotage, feeling anxious, nervous or scared, not creating the big, bold life you imagined for yourself, or possibly looking good on the outside but not feeling fulfilled.

    Turns out you have the ability to manage all of it, dial down the mind drama and dial up the power. We will help you do exactly that. 

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